Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fear of the unknown...

Ever wondered if a second division football player can ever run on the pitch in the place of Wayne Rooney for England right from match 1 in the upcoming world cup...the very thouhgt of it sounds funny for us but imagine the English Team Manager ever havin to do somethin like tat...he'll have the worst ever series of sleepless nights before the game cuz he knows 99% it'll be d craziest act ever done in the history of English FootBall...The very thought of it can't escape his mind...Will his try be worth it...will it materialize the way he exopects it to...A huge list of unanswered questions linger all over his mind and the very thought hangs around him wid every activity he does until the moment of truth arrives and the results are atleast start with...

Till the time something like tat doesn't happen there's always the fear of somethin tat rules his mind...Can't deny it...if he does somethin like tat and it doesn't click He might not even be the manager of the team after the Cup is over...there ends his doesn't end actually begins...

The fear of the manager is well expressed and understood...but there are other two ppl who r involved in this whole chain of actions...One is the person who's actually gonna run the pitch in the place or Rooney...His fears are his own..How would he perform on the bigger stage...he would hav the heart to perform well..otherwise his dreams of playin for the National team is doomed...The other person is Rooney himself...If at all the new comer performs way above standards of Rooney...will he ever get the same importance he used to in the team??No assurance...

It is very similar to ppl n situations in Life...there is always a fear of the unknown...the fear of being left hanging about in the air...Ppl change only with their own feelings and circumstances in mind...They hardly think of wut others will under go when they talk and do things tat involves other dear n near ones too..the worst ever fear is the fear of Being IGNORED...for a short time or forever...and when once such a feeling kicks in there's hardly anybodys words tat will matter to U than the person himself/herself who gets back to reassure things...After all...Other's feelings hardly matter these days...


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