I wonder wut it takes for others to be comfortable wid U...This thought stirred up in my mind after a chain of events tat happened right in front of my eyes...
The pawn shop right outside my office...I was wid my friend who was enjoyin his usual pleasure of a smoke after lunch this afternoon...The pawn shop guy is 2 busy durin this time of the day...Hoards of pple visitin his shop after a fillin lunch...Smokes n bheeda's were all tat he sold...
I saw a stray dog(wonder if any1 would call it tat...cuz it looked a lot cleaner than few domesticated ones tat I hav seen...)...Have seen it there before runnin around the was a pet for every1 who visits the place...The pawn shop guy was the person who owned it I believe...They were a perfect master n pet...But somethin happened today...The guy was infuriated wid somethin tat was happenin wid him n he was disturbed...He shouted @ the dog n hit it wid all he could get n shooed it away...
All he said was..."I don't like tat dog anymore...i'm not comfortable wid it around...!!!.."..But y...wut did tat dog do...Wut was its being loyal to U, or it Loving U unconditionally...Or it thinkin tat there was no one beyond U in this earth n it was destined to be wid U forever...Wut did it do...n if at all U r confused wid somethin else Y do u have to bring everythin to be vented out on that poor dog...:-?..I pinched myself to check if it was me who spoke all this...Rather I didn't speak them myself..but things happenin wid me over the past few weeks for which am still searchin for answers n i think I always will made me say all tat...
If some1 being too nice to U is the reason for U too loose Ur comfort wid tat person...there could be only 2 reasons...One is U r blinded wid confusion or two its all tat the person/animals Love hardly matters to U...!!!
When I saw the dog come bak to him n tried to cajole him...Cuz it had understood its master too well...N there was some1 who spoke to him about wut he was doin the master sensed the right thing to do and accepted the dof bak wid all his Love..
In real life, six sensed humans can't think of the way the dog did...Y??..I questioned myself...n the answer was simple..humans r self centered...Might be bitter but its the truth...'I want it...Yep I do..n if I don't want it later...I have a thousands of reasons to give or simply escape the whole thing by sayin...I DON'T KNOW Y..!!!..but its jus tat am not comfortable n I don't like it anymore...'...
I wonder wut the real meaning of Comfort n Comfort zone...Can some1 gimme an answer...:-?...
as you said, humans are selfish. comfort to humans means a situation in which everything happens the way they want it..
recently a friend of mine had a break up. it was not because of the girl or the boy involved but because the girl's parents. when i asked the girl what she felt about the issue she said the issue did not warrant much importance. I was taken aback. Then i realized that there were things in this world that mattered to her more than this guy who really loved her. at certan points of time in life i have observed that people tend to give up on something or willfully move out of a relationship (or anything) becasue it is nomore "useful" or "fruitful".. new things arise which are more important than the exissting thing.. thats when the comfort level reduces and ceases to exixt.
it is sick!
A very selfish world indeed...Dunno if others ever feel wut the ppl related to wutever goin on would feel like...There r occasions when U need to think from the brain...But @ times..when it comes to certain issues...Thinkin from the heart would matter much more n make sense...Prevent hurts n unwanted confusion...N wut fails 2 register in my mind is tat...How does this transformation in thought happen so fast n so easily wid some1 tat U loose your importance as if U never mattered...:-?..
they do not think with their brain but with their body..the brian also is somewhat closely related to the psyche of a person.. some find it rather easy to think with the body than the brain/heart...
"the first and last love is self love"
and there are a category of people who just are the best examples for that statement..
the transformation-- you really dont know what goes through their mind..
Pretty true analysis budd...;))
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