Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Just adding few cumilative points and few good questions to be asked...to the post 'I am beautiful, So are you', by Mira...

By the principle of duality, every person is unique in the face of this universe and every specimen has its own counter specimen too..this is the law on which this whole freaking universe works and there is a meaning for life on Earth..So why has to one change

1. The law on which life has a reason,
2. As a person, which will make another person feel lost..??

Life is all about yourself, and all that you have is because of what you are, friends, family and emotions from all around you...

But when it comes to acceptance from others for what you are, if they do not like you for what you are, and you want to change yourself for one person, what will the others who have you as an integral part of their life do..?? Change themselves with respect to you in picture..?? Do you realise how much of changes around is induced by you, cause not all people have the mind and heart to accept you as a person for what you are, and if they do not..they are at loss and not you..

Never change for someone else, change in you should be self induced and for good..!!!..

Hope the one for whom this is meant reads it..!!!



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